Author BJ Sloan
Newsprint in her blood and staining her fingers, novelist BJ Sloan uses life experience for her latest work, The Secret Son. Her stories spring from the hard earth, painting a picture of the gritty reality of rural life. Texas native BJ and her husband Steve enjoy farm life surrounded by a menagerie of animals, including a boss cow named Zulu.

As a child on our dairy farm, my dad would occasionally roust me from sleep in the middle of the night saying get dressed, we need you. Without hesitation or question, I would go. The rest of my family would be there—we worked toward a common goal. This was our survival, the family's livelihood, and for some reason, animals do the darndest things after midnight. There is a lesson to be learned from hardship. Embrace struggles and meet challenges head-on, and we learn to step forward with confidence.
I use this life lesson in the fictional characters of my writing. They are the real deal, shaped by the people of my past. In fact, you might recognize a few of them—or, at least, wish you did.